Free delivery*.
In Ireland from €100 excl. tax
Reactive customer service
No technical costs
Quality guaranteed
- 23 mm
- 29 mm
Without page proof
Your files are checked by our DTP department and sent to print without validation on your part.
0,00 € No tax
With page proof
After checking your files, we will send you a digital proof that you can validate or refuse. Please note that the delivery time will take effect at the time of validation of your proof.
€5.00 No tax
Our color-printed wooden tokens are an original, eco-friendly option for all events, such as festivals, birthday parties or corporate parties. Made from high-quality wood, these tokens can be personalized with your logo or text of your choice in full color.
Their natural, elegant design makes them perfect for use at all types of event. They're also lightweight and easy to transport.
Use our color-printed wooden tokens as a means of payment for food and beverage stands, for access to certain areas or for special activities. They're also a great way to promote your event and make it even more memorable. Please contact us to find out more about our customization options.
Technical informations